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Record-breaking, wave breaking


Tuesday 19th July. Remember this date. UK temperatures topped 40C for the first time. After decades of warnings about climate change we now have climate catastrophe. Hard not to say 'told you so' and not to be angry with the climate deniers. Hard too not to fall into climate depression, filled with anxiety for our grandchildren's futures.

I sat on the beach, watching the waves ebb and flow as they have done through time.

I marvel at the sparkles on the crashing water, pushing up the steep slope of shingle. Just a few minutes before, a thunderstorm had rolled overhead, signalling the break in the weather so many were hoping for. A group of schoolchildren had shrieked with excitement at the lightning and then danced in the raindrops. Full of the energy, the spark, the hope that they bring to this world.

A clear indicator for me of global warming has been the rising temperature of our coastal waters. In Devon this week it has been as high as 18C. I have swum every day without the usual half-an-hour gradual numbing of my legs and bottom before taking the final icy plunge that knocks the breath out of me. No, today I just walked in, embraced the waves as they rolled over me, and then floated basking in the sun that emerged from the storm clouds.

#wildswimming,#beingbrave,#inthemoment' #summerjoy

I spend some time watching the horizon as the storm clouds move away. The sky is soon deep blue and clear, reflected in the calm sea. I watch as a white-sailed yacht sails by, wondering who is on board, where are they heading, and wondering too why I have never learnt to sail. I love the water, the sea and adventure. Surely sailing would fit for me? But I reflect on the role that opportunities, time and experience have in opening up (or shutting down) new possibilities in our lives. I have to be proactive if I want to try out new adventures and shut down the discouragements of my inner caution.

I wanted to caputre my thoughts about the yacht's journey across my horizon. I sat on the edge of the shingle bank and played around with various ICM settings and movements aiming to get some contrasting images. The strength of the light proved a challenge but I used different filters to get long enough exposures to give the impression of movement. Fun experimenting and I was lost in the joy for a while.



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