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Norfolk Adventure - the next steps


Spent most of the day at Brancaster. The most superb stretch of sand, so soft and fine the wind picks it up and whisks it ahead of our steps in light drifts. Looks like the walkers are floating just above the sand rather than being grounded in and by it. Shades of creamy beige, lighter than yesterday, almost white when the sun shafts strike. Sprinkles of shells, blue and white, some with flecks of orange, with matching little speckles of shingle. And the sky just takes my breath away.

I sat above the beach, warm and sheltered in the grassy dune, toes snuggled into a cushion of sand, Watched the light change on the water as the clouds moved across the sky. The incoming tide washing over the sandbar. The grasses around me bright green stems bending and browny heads dancing to the tune of the restless breeze. The seed heads seem to be nodding with pleasure as they touched together and bounced apart again. Like people meeting, greeting and parting. Their roots have to be strong to hold on in the sand as the stems sway and pull. But they are also keeping us safe against the inevitable rising seas.

and just over the dunes, sheltered in the lee of the wind, are these wonderful beach huts. Shades of blue, green and brown, lined up ready to be busy. What a photo op - but with my head still full of the beach views, I was suddenly overwhelmed. Where to start? What to give my attention to?

Pause, sit down on the grassy ground, and breathe........... I followed #charlottebellamy's wise words. What catches your eye? Where is the light? What about the shadows? Where are the contrasts? What are the little details that capture the whole? Can you see patterns and connections?

and then a play with #ICM (#intentionalcameramovement). What a joy to play and lose myself in the flow of following the light, the colours and the lines. Here is a glimpse to show the possibilities. Lots more to come.



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