I have travelled east across England, further and farther than I have ever adventured before in my own country. To the county of Norfolk, renowned for its glorious beaches and coastline. Excited to be exploring new places after 2 years of staying local in Devon. Also excited to be spending time with the inspirational #charlottebellamy to play with creative photography techniques with a group of like-minded photographers.
On the first day we were blessed with beautiful weather. And the beach did not disappoint, stretching for miles. Huge skies of blue reflected in the water. The waves gently rolling and sparkling onto the sand and shingle. The range of colours, from orange to slate blue, of the stones and shells. Took my breath away. And I set aside my cares for a few hours as I wallowed in capturing the experience.
Blue and yellow flashes
Looking for patterns and light contrasts on the sand.
And everywhere the views. Bringing joy to my soul. My mood lightening as the day evolved. My bare feet experiencing the warm, soft sand at the edge of the dunes, then the random prickliness of the strips of shingle and shell, before the squidgy, colder sand on the edge of the water. Grounded. Beached. Halted. To watch the waves roll in, to hear the swish as they ebbed away, to smell the saltiness in the air. Eased by the familiarity of being by the sea, but sensing a difference to my familiar Devon sea-breezes,
And a final finishing touch, searching for sparkles in the dunes.