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Metal Month- well, that was a challenge!


This month the members of the #TeignU3A photography group ( were set the challenge to produce 3 images on the theme of Metal. I found it really tricky!

First, we are surrounded by it, so much of the things around us are made out of so many different kinds of metal that I didn't know where to begin. From cars to tools to jewellery, never-ending choices that left me paralysed.

Secondly, I like to take the images each month and not draw on my archive.

Thirdly, I want to keep on developing my photography, trying out new techniques and ways of looking at the world. And I am pants at decision-making. Putting all this together resulted in me yet again having to be reminded by the group leader that the deadline for submission was the following day!

And this spurred me into action, as deadlines often do, and I quickly selected the following 3. The first was from my archive, from a visit to #StoneLaneGardens, Chagford. A lovely range of sculptures in a woodland garden that I revisit when I can, especially in the Autumn

The second image was taken recently at #TeignmouthPier. It is undergoing renovation and has a lot of ugly scaffolding across the front. I used ICM with a slow shutter speed, and focussed on trying to preserve the lines of the poles to create a geometric pattern. I played with the colours in Lightroom to add to the abstract painterly effect. I wonder how many in the group will guess where and what it is an image of!

The third image is a composite made of several images of metal combined in photoshop. It is titled Freedom as it is one of a series that I created for a joint arts project for the local camera club. I was given a poem written by a local poet, and without meeting up to share ideas, I had to produce an image in response to the words. They will be displayed together in the local museum in August and I am looking forward to meeting the poet.



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