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Chasing green

This week's challenge from @charlottebellamy was to produce an image on the theme of green. I did a trawl of my woodland, park and garden images - lots of possibilities. But then I reminded myself that one of the reasons for taking part in the challenge is for it to be a challenge and to move my photography forward, To do this I need to create a new image not one from the archive.

I also wanted to be inspired, to capture something in the moment, the unexpected.

Early one morning, sat in the corner of the garden with my cup of tea and planning the day ahead, the rays of the sun struck the leaves of the lilies by the frog pond (yes, we have a frog!). The resulting green was so vibrant, the veins and the curved edges of the leaves thrown into silhouette. I quickly grabbed the camera and immersed myself in taking various shots, aiming to grasp the brightness, the variety of the greens and the beautiful edges of the leaves.

Really pleased with the effects that I captured, and chose this image to enter into the competition:

And here are the other possibilities that I could have entered. Is there one that you prefer?

I came 9th in the challenge, with some amazing images catching the eye of the judge @moragpaterson before mine.

Looking through the winners, I can appreciate why they were acknowledged. This time I was able to maintain my equilibrium and also my belief in my entry. I had achieved what I had set out to do, I had learnt new skills and I really like the resulting image. Judging my images against my previous images, and not those of others who have different creative visions, has to be the way forward. Of course, this then makes entering such challenges a dilemma. But I will continue for now and aim to grow through the process.

If you are interested, here is a link to the other entries:

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